{title: The Song Title!} {album: Album Title (1974)} {artist: Artist, Band, Lyricist, and/or Performer Name(s)} {subtitle: Subtitle (context such as where & when first performed or ChordPro source)} # ------------------------------------- # here's a song sampler... # ------------------------------------- # You don't need to mix chords and lyrics: {c:Comment} [Dm] [G7] [D7] [G7] [D7] {c: Another Comment} Topping [Dm]apple cake [Am]gingerbread [G7]wypas. [Dm]Donut I love [Am]caramels donut Chocolate [Dm]bar wafer [Am]bonbon lemon [G7]drops. Tootsie [Dm]roll carrot [Am]cake biscuit [G7]cupcake. [F] {soc} {c: Comments Can Be Nested Inside Chorus-Blocks!} [Dm]Gummies chocolate cake macaroon. Muffin [C]halvah sweet gummi bears [G7]Danish cupcake. [Dm]Sugar plum pudding with whipped cream Pudding [C]pudding jelly marzipan. [D7]Liquorice sugar [C]plum [F] {eoc}